使用條款 Terms and Conditions

歡迎來到夜暮有限公司!在使用我們的網站和服務之前,請仔細閱讀以下使用條款。使用或訪問本網站,即表示您同意接受這些條款的約束。如果您不同意任何條款內容,請勿使用我們的網站或服務。 Welcome to Twinight Limited! Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using our website and services. By accessing or using our website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms and Conditions, you must not use our website or services.


一般資訊 General Information

夜暮有限公司 是一家創新的金融科技公司,提供AI投資分析平台、智能投資組合管理和自動交易解決方案。我們的服務包括但不限於市場數據分析、風險評估、投資組合優化建議等。使用我們的服務,即表示您已閱讀、理解並同意這些使用條款。 Twinight Limited is an innovative fintech company providing AI investment analytics platform, intelligent portfolio management, and automated trading solutions. Our services include, but are not limited to, market data analysis, risk assessment, and portfolio optimization recommendations. By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.

AI分析免責聲明 AI Analytics Disclaimer

我們的AI分析和預測僅供參考用途,不構成任何投資建議。儘管我們採用先進的算法和數據分析技術,但金融市場本質上存在不確定性。過往的分析結果並不能保證未來表現。用戶在作出任何投資決策前,應審慎考慮自身的財務狀況和風險承受能力,並進行獨立判斷。 Our AI analytics and predictions are for reference purposes only and do not constitute investment advice. While we employ advanced algorithms and data analytics, financial markets are inherently uncertain. Past analysis results do not guarantee future performance. Users should carefully consider their financial situation and risk tolerance, and exercise independent judgment before making any investment decisions.

投資風險 Investment Risks

金融市場投資具有固有風險,可能不適合所有投資者。使用我們的AI分析工具和自動交易系統並不能保證投資收益。市場可能受多種因素影響,包括但不限於經濟指標、政治事件、自然災害等。投資者可能損失部分或全部投資資金。在使用我們的服務進行投資決策之前,強烈建議您諮詢專業的財務顧問。 Financial market investment carries inherent risks and may not be suitable for all investors. Using our AI analytics tools and automated trading systems does not guarantee investment returns. Markets can be affected by various factors, including but not limited to economic indicators, political events, and natural disasters. Investors may lose part or all of their investment capital. We strongly recommend consulting with a professional financial advisor before using our services for investment decisions.

數據隱私與安全 Data Privacy and Security

保護您的數據隱私和安全是我們的首要任務。在使用我們的AI分析平台時,我們會依據隱私政策收集和處理必要的用戶數據以提供服務。我們採用業界標準的安全措施保護您的資料,但由於網絡傳輸的特性,我們無法保證絕對的安全性。 Protecting your data privacy and security is our top priority. When using our AI analytics platform, we collect and process essential user data in accordance with our privacy policy to provide our services. While we implement industry-standard security measures to protect your information, we cannot guarantee absolute security in network transmission.

AI服務限制 AI Service Limitations

我們的AI分析服務可能受到多種因素的影響,包括但不限於數據可用性、市場波動性、技術限制等。服務可能出現中斷或延遲,分析結果可能不完整或不準確。我們會持續改進我們的AI模型和算法,但不對服務的準確性、及時性或完整性作出保證。 Our AI analytics services may be affected by various factors, including but not limited to data availability, market volatility, and technical limitations. Services may experience interruptions or delays, and analysis results may be incomplete or inaccurate. While we continuously improve our AI models and algorithms, we make no guarantees regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of our services.

知識產權 Intellectual Property Rights

我們網站和服務的所有知識產權,包括商標、版權和專利,均屬於夜暮有限公司。未經我們事先書面同意,您不得使用我們的任何商標或受版權保護的材料。任何未經授權使用我們的知識產權將被視為違反這些使用條款,可能導致法律訴訟。 All intellectual property rights, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents, in our website and services belong to Twinight Limited. You may not use any of our trademarks or copyrighted material without our prior written consent. Any unauthorized use of our intellectual property rights will be considered a violation of these Terms and Conditions and may result in legal action.

責任限制 Limitation of Liability

夜暮有限公司 不對因使用我們的網站或服務而產生的或與之相關的任何損失或損害負責,包括但不限於間接、特殊或後果性損失或損害。這包括由病毒、錯誤或任何其他技術有害材料可能感染您的計算機設備或其他財產而造成的任何損失或損害。夜暮有限公司 不對由於我們無法控制的情況而導致的網站或服務的任何故障或延遲負責。 Twinight Limited will not be liable for any loss or damage, including but not limited to, indirect, special, or consequential loss or damage, arising out of or in connection with the use of our website or services. This includes any loss or damage caused by viruses, bugs, or any other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment or other property. Twinight Limited will not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of our website or services due to circumstances beyond our control.

賠償 Indemnification

您同意賠償、保護並使夜暮有限公司及其管理人員、董事、員工、代理人和附屬機構免受因您使用我們的網站或服務,或違反這些使用條款而產生的或與之相關的任何和所有索賠、責任、損害和費用(包括合理的律師費)的損害。 You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Twinight Limited, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and affiliates from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or in connection with your use of our website or services, or any violation of these Terms and Conditions.

條款修改 Modification of Terms

夜暮有限公司 保留隨時修改這些使用條款的權利,恕不另行通知。在進行任何修改後繼續使用我們的網站或服務,即表示您同意受修改後的使用條款約束。 Twinight Limited reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notice. By continuing to use our website or services after any modifications have been made, you agree to be bound by the revised Terms and Conditions.

適用法律 Governing Law

這些使用條款應受夜暮有限公司運營所在司法管轄區的法律管轄並按其解釋。 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which Twinight Limited operates.

完整協議 Entire Agreement

這些使用條款構成您與夜暮有限公司之間關於使用我們的網站和服務的完整協議,並取代所有先前或同時的書面或口頭協議或諒解。 These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and Twinight Limited with respect to the use of our website and services, and supersede all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.

感謝您選擇夜暮有限公司作為您的自動交易軟件提供商! Thank you for choosing Twinight Limited as your automatic trading software provider!

聯繫方式 Contact Us

如有任何需要查詢,歡迎使用以下聯絡方式與我們進行溝通。 If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us using the following methods.

Email:[email protected]
